Hi there! I’m Kels 🙂

Hi there! I’m Kelsie Ann. I am wife, mother, and a passionate homemaker. I started this website to put my ideas out there, and hopefully inspire women near and far of things they can do to beautify their home.

Home is where my heart is. My beautiful family. And although my husband works all day, when he comes home I want him to feel relief and relaxed.

This is my little corner of the world where I can write about the things that matter most to me. My family, motherhood, faith, home, and creativity. These things have an enormous impact on my everyday life and have contributed to who I am today.

I’m a first time Mom who has her hair pulled up in a ponytail most days, and I’m lucky if I have a little makeup on 🙂 Most days I do feel moments of overwhelm and yes, I only have one child.

I have a few delicious recipes I have mastered but I burn most things I cook and I am convinced I will never be caught up on laundry.

I also have a craft room of incomplete projects.

I’m a Hobby-Lobby shopaholic and I love rearranging my home.

I am often overwhelmed as I scroll social media and see so many perfect moms out there. So I try to distance myself at times so I can keep going.

I am all about being honest and upfront, and as you follow along this journey with me you will find I have many ups and downs in life, just like you.

When I started writing a blog I promised to myself I would show the raw, real, unfiltered, and sometimes messy life because I think that’s what my readers deserve.

The real me.

I have found that sometimes we need to do stuff for us. For just me. And having a creative outlet where I can create beautiful items for my home brings me joy!

No matter where I live, even if its a rental house, I am learning that I have a God-given talent to create beauty where the bland once was. Whether its on the word’s tightest budget, or a super big time crunch while my baby naps, or just some repurposing with a twist, I love looking back and saying, “I made that.”

I am learning to find my voice as I share my ideas, creativity, crafts, and reflections of life itself. I have found that sharing those ideas through writing also brings me a sense of fulfilment, and that’s something I am so grateful for.

So welcome, I hope you enjoy it here. Let’s join together as we try to make our houses to feel like homes, and as we navigate motherhood while juggling all of our other callings in life.


Kelsie Ann